Nearly all of the scores you see on this Web site come from a print news source. Some of these newspapers no longer exist or have merged with other groups to form papers with different names. The papers listed here were the ones used to find the specific scores with which they are listed and their names at that time have been used.
ADTH Alliance (Neb.) Daily Times Herald
BB Buffalo Bulletin
BBB Bill Barlow’s Budget (Douglas)
BG Billings (Mont.) Gazette
BHCR Big Horn County Rustler (Basin)
BLCN Bear Lake County News (Montpelier, Idaho)
BN Broadwater (Neb.) News
BPE Big Piney Examiner
BPRU Big Piney Roundup
BR Basin Republican
BRR Basin Republican-Rustler
BT Bridger (Mont.) Times
BVP Bridger Valley Pioneer (Lyman)
CCR Campbell County Record (Gillette)
CDL Cheyenne Daily Leader
CDT Casper Daily Tribune
CE Cody Enterprise
CHCR Cheyenne County Record (Sidney, Neb.)
CJ Casper Journal
CMS Casper Morning Star
CP Cowley Progress
CR Cokeville Register
CRT Crawford (Neb.) Tribune
CSL Cheyenne State Leader
CST Casper Star-Tribune
CT Cody Times
CTH Casper Tribune-Herald
DB Douglas Budget
DE Douglas Enterprise
DESN Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah)
DF Dubois Frontier
DS Deaver Sentinel
FCWC Fort Collins (Colo.) Weekly Courier
FLS Fort Laramie Scout
FNR Family News Review (Lingle)
FT Fremont (Neb.) Tribune
GCJ Goshen County Journal (Torrington)
GCN Goshen County News (Torrington)
GDT Greeley (Colo.) Daily Tribune
GG Guernsey Gazette
GG Glenrock Gazette
GI Glenrock Independent
GN Goshen News (Torrington)
GN Gillette News
GNR Gillette News-Record
GRS Green River Star
GS Greybull Standard
GST Greybull Standard Tribune
GT Greybull Tribune
HAS Harrison (Neb.) Sun
HMS Heart Mountain Sentinel
IFPR Idaho Falls (Idaho) Post Register
ISJ Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, Idaho)
JHC Jackson Hole Courier
JHG Jackson Hole Guide
KG Kemmerer Gazette
KR Kemmerer Republican
LB Laramie Boomerang
LC Lovell Chronicle
LDB Laramie Daily Boomerang
LFL Lusk Free Lance
LG Lingle Guide
LGR Lingle Guide-Review
LH Lusk Herald
LJ Lander Journal
LL Lyman (Neb.) Leader
LLE Lyman (Neb.) Ledger
LR Lingle Review
LRB Laramie Republican Boomerang
LREP Laramie Republican
LS Lincoln (Neb.) Star
MBP Medicine Bow Post
MI Mitchell (Neb.) Index
ML Moorcroft Leader
MM Morrill (Neb.) Mail
MNE Montpelier (Idaho) News-Examiner
NCT Natrona County Tribune
NNJ Newcastle News-Journal
NNL Newcastle News Letter
NNLJ Newcastle News Letter Journal
NSJ Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Neb.)
NWDN Northern Wyoming Daily News (Worland)
NWH Northern Wyoming Herald (Cody)
OSE Ogden (Utah) Standard Examiner
PBP Pine Bluffs Post
PCE Park County Enterprise (Cody)
PCH Park County Herald (Cody)
PCR Platte County Record (Wheatland)
PCRT Platte County Record-Times (Wheatland)
PR Park Record (Park City, Utah)
PRU Pinedale Roundup
PT Powell Tribune
QCM Queen City Mail (Spearfish, S.D.)
RC Riverton Chronicle
RCJ Rapid City (S.D.) Journal
RCDJ Rapid City (S.D.) Daily Journal
RDT Rawlins Daily Times
RP Riverton Press
RR Riverton Ranger
RRB Rawlins Republican-Bulletin
RRC Riverton Review-Chronicle
RREP Rawlins Republican
RRV Riverton Review
RSDR Rock Springs Daily Rocket
RSDRM Rock Springs Daily Rocket-Miner
RSM Rock Springs Miner
RSR Rock Springs Rocket
SDSH Scottsbluff (Neb.) Daily Star-Herald
SE Sheridan Enterprise
SHOE Shoshoni Enterprise
SIT Sidney (Neb.) Telegraph
SLT Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune
SP Sheridan Press
SPE Sheridan Post-Enterprise
SPO Sheridan Post
SS Saratoga Sun
SSH Scottsbluff (Neb.) Star-Herald
SSS Soda Springs (Idaho) Sun
ST Sundance Times
SVI Star Valley Independent (Afton)
TIR Thermopolis Independent Record
TN Torrington News
TT Torrington Telegram
UCH Uinta County Herald (Evanston)
WC Weekly Courier (Fort Collins, Colo.)
WCG Weston County Gazette (Upton)
WE Wyoming Eagle (Cheyenne)
WG Worland Grit
WNO Western Nebraska Observer (Kimball, Neb.)
WRM Wind River Mountaineer (Lander)
WSJ Wyoming State Journal (Lander)
WST Wyoming State Tribune (Cheyenne)
WSWT Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune (Cheyenne)
WT Wheatland Times
WTE Wyoming Tribune-Eagle (Cheyenne)
WYP Wyoming Press (Evanston)
WYT Wyoming Times (Evanston)
Other codes:
Anything marked with an “HS” at the end comes from information provided by one of the high schools involved in the game
Anything marked with three asterisks “***” is an unverified entry
Anything marked with “WHSAA” means the result was published and obtained from the website of the Wyoming High School Activities Association or an affiliate
Anything marked with “ACOUHSF” has information from the book “A Century of Utah High School Football” by George B. Felt