Lingle and Lusk have added games to their 2012 schedules to fill the weeks left vacant by the formation of the Upton-Sundance co-op.

Lingle will fill its open date by playing the Natrona JV at 6 p.m. Sept. 27 in Lingle.

Lusk will also play the Natrona JV in its open week. The game is set for Oct. 4; the time and location of the game are still to be determined.

Moorcroft, Southeast and Pine Bluffs have already finalized plans for their open weeks created when the Sundance schedule was eliminated from the 2012 lineup. Normative Services is still attempting to work out a game for its Week 8 open date.


4 Thoughts on “Lingle, Lusk add to 2012 schedule

  1. I sure would love to see the SEWAC teams schedule games against Nebraska schools rather than simply playing J.V. teams from halfway across the state of Wyoming.

  2. Patrick on August 9, 2012 at 5:23 pm said:

    Couldn’t happen, Boyd. The NSAA, Nebraska’s WHSAA equivalent, does all the scheduling for football, much like Wyoming does. No real open weeks there, except by request. With the Sundance/Upton coop coming so late, there was no way the NSAA could have incorporated any Wyoming teams. It’s not like Nebraska teams are sitting there with open weeks waiting to fill them.

    Now Nebraska JV teams, on the other hand….

    (However, as I understand it, the reason Southeast is playing the Natrona JV this year instead of the Scottsbluff JV is because Scottsbluff did not want that game and dropped it. Did not make sense to me but that is their choice. Natrona was basically the closest option Southeast had; I guess a few other Nebraska schools gave Southeast the cold shoulder. And as I understand it, that is why Southeast is keeping the Sundance week open — they can’t find a team willing to play them, JV or otherwise, Nebraska/Wyoming or otherwise. Easier said than done to fill an open week, I guess, is my point.)


  3. Why Natrona? How do they always seem to get all these games–insider trading? What about closer in state opponents- Gillette JV for Moorcroft; Doulgas JV for Lusk/Lingle; East or Central should even have numbers to play these guys. Very interesting how NC was able to pull that off so fast.

  4. Patrick on August 20, 2012 at 6:51 am said:

    NC has done this for several years now — any time any team in the state drops/cancels, NC is there with a JV team. It’s multifaceted for sure; it probably has a lot to do with NC’s big numbers and its willingness to find as many games as possible for its players, as well as a continued working relationship with the WHSAA. I think it would be an interesting dynamic to explore.


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