Nebraska defeated Wyoming 52-16 on Friday in Chadron, Nebraska, in the annual six-man all-star football game between the two states.
A couple highlights are provided here. The series is now tied at six victories apiece.
Wyoming’s roster changed slightly from the initial announcement in March. Players included:
BURLINGTON: Carson Jones, Pablo Mendez, Cohen Schlenker, Seth Wardell.
DUBOIS: Kaden Chamley, Ryan Wells, Clayton Rux.
ENCAMPMENT: Briston Sifford, Ben Wagy.
FARSON: Matthew Smith, Simeon Stotts.
HANNA: Tom Wagner.
HULETT: Hunter Reilly, M.J. Ulmer.
SNAKE RIVER: Wade Corson, David Hernandez, Hadley Myers, Kannadis Peroulis.