Not long ago, I shared that I’ve been doing a lot of Wyoming track and field research, trying to find individual state champions back to 1922.

I shared the results of that research here. I found a lot, but not everything. So now I’m asking you, dear reader, for some help.

I need first names of these state track champions to help make these listings complete.

Y’all came through the last time I did this, in 2014. And I’m ready to ask for your help again.

First name needs are listed first; missing event champions are listed below that. As I receive updates, I will cross them off this list.

To submit names or missing information, leave a comment on this post or email me directly at


Missing first names

Class AA
: Hays, Riv, 1935; Dir, Wor, 1927; Cover, The, 1926; J. Driscall, The, 1925.

Class AA
: Dawson, Whe, 1948; Moon, Kem, 1945; Hays, Riv, 1935; Melinkovich, RS, 1934; Starman, RS, 1931; Dir, Wor, 1927; J. Driscall, The, 1925.
Class A: Bishop, Riv, 1954.
Class B: Pingrey, DF, 1960; Davinson, Kem, 1957; Garrett, Pin, 1951.

Class AA
: Dawson, Whe, 1948; Moon, Kem, 1945; Hays, Riv, 1935; Starman, RS, 1931; Dir, Wor, 1927; J. Driscall, The, 1925; Driscoll, The, 1924; Teninty, The, 1922.
Class B: Davinson, Kem, 1957; Berrier, Lym, 1951.

Class AA
: Hammer, StM, 1950; Anderson, GR, 1945; Jaycox, Pav, 1942; Raymon, GR, 1941; Ono, GR, 1940; Landman, CC, 1936; Knepper, Buf, 1935; Gamble, Riv, 1930; Turner, NC, 1928; Dir, Wor, 1927; Ingraham, The, 1926; Northrup, Pow, 1925; Ekdall, CC, 1924; Coleman, Lan, 1923; Hanson, Glk, 1922.
Class A: Fisher, Lus, 1970; Fowled, GR, 1954; Harkins, Wor, 1952.
Class B: Brown, Alb, 1965; Martinez, MV, 1962; Herrera, Lin, 1960; Reece, Lym, 1954; Gregory, HS, 1951.
Class C: Rademan, LaG, 1965; Brown, Alb, 1963; Rochlitz, Carp, 1960.

Class AA
: Dolan, Lar, 1970; Carroll, Pow, 1950; Wallace, StM, 1947; Sullenberger, Tor, 1946; Heron, Wor, 1944; Allen, Lar, 1942; Rogers, Dou, 1941; King, RS, 1936/1937; Pirtle, GR, 1935; Thatcher, Dou, 1926; Northrup, Pow, 1925; Gobel, NC, 1924; Smith, Gre, 1923; Porter, Park, 1922.
Class A: Boyd, SS, 1965; Johnson, Tor, 1958.
Class B: Asay, Byr, 1965; Spoonhunter, SS, 1961; Smith, Bas, 1960; Weglin, Hunt, 1954.
Class C: McKinney, Vet, 1965; Yeik, Yod, 1962/1963; Hillbird, RR, 1957.

Class AA
: Lind, CC, 1970; Carpenter, CC, 1969; Smith, Eva, 1947; Collins, RS, 1946; Buchan, RS, 1944/1945; Davidson, Lar, 1942; Scriffin, The, 1940; Chavarria, Tor, 1937; Landman, CC, 1936; Redfern, Whe, 1935; Thoelke, Lus, 1932; Brown, Buf, 1931; West, NC, 1929; Esmay, Dou, 1927; Thatcher, Dou, 1926; Brown, Buf, 1925; Pegg, Bas, 1922.
Class A: Mullens, UP, 1965; Walters, Wor, 1960; Pendley, Pow, 1959; Richard/Richards, StM, 1957/1958; Laue, Riv, 1954.
Class B: Soule, PB, 1970; Brown, SS, 1963; Goggles, SS, 1961; Baird, Cowl, 1956.
Class C: Carter, TS, 1969/1970; Wood, TS, 1965; Vieyra, RR, 1962/1963; Chamberlain, LaG, 1960; Martin, FtL, 1958; S. Starks, Enc, 1957.

2 Mile
Class AA: Carmago, CC, 1969.
Class C: Thomas, Arv, 1970; Allary, LaG, 1969.

120 hurdles
Class AA
: Dowler, CC, 1957; Moore, Cod, 1950/1951; Espach, Lar, 1949; Rauchfuss, Pow, 1947; J. Croft, Tor, 1946; Bloom, Pow, 1945; Stine, GR, 1942; T. Chapin, Riv, 1935; Gentle, Dou, 1932/1933; Montague, Lus, 1930; Teninty, The, 1922.
Class A: Kemp, GR, 1969; Byers, Lan, 1960; Hanlin, Dou, 1957; Kincaid, Cod, 1952.
Class B: Fullmer, Lin, 1970; Williams, Byr, 1969; Sievers, Pin, 1965; Pingrey, DF, 1960; Fiero, Lym, 1956; Jackson, Han, 1953/1954; Gregory, HS, 1951.
Class C: Smith, Bur, 1965; Rudloff, Gld, 1962; Ainsworth, Yod, 1961; Martinez, Yod, 1958; Huckfeldt, Vet, 1957.

180 hurdles
Class AA: Freeman, Lar, 1969.
Class A: Hagemeister, SS, 1965; Noel, GR, 1954.
Class B: Ecklund, Alb, 1970; Fullmer, Lin, 1965; Pingrey, DF, 1960; Rees, Lym, 1958; Davinson, Kem, 1957; Davison, Pin, 1956; Ellison, Day, 1954; Ellison, Bas, 1953; Berrier, Lym, 1951.
Class C: Kaufman, LaG, 1969; Smith, Bur, 1965; Martinez, Yod, 1957.

200 hurdles
Class AA
: Rauchfuss, Pow, 1947; J. Croft, Tor, 1946; Stine, GR, 1942; Sims, RS, 1941; Berta, RS, 1937.

220 hurdles
Class AA
: Gentle, Dou, 1933; Brundage, Cod, 1931; Montague, Lus, 1930; E. Penfield, The, 1925; Teninty, The, 1922.

Class AA
: Quinlavan, CE, 1963; Mrak, RS, 1947; Neilson, Eva, 1946; Kienlen, GR, 1945; Heron, Wor, 1944; Steiteler, RS, 1940; Steniac, Sup, 1936; Jurich, Reli, 1935; Fitzmorris/Fitzmaurice, CC, 1932/1933; Cover, The, 1925/1926; Monihan, Whe, 1924; Rhone, CC, 1923; Peyton, Dou, 1922.
Class A: A. Anderson, Dou, 1960.
Class B: Haynes, Gld, 1958; Partridge, Cowl, 1954; Walters, Lin, 1951.
Class C: McPherren, TS, 1965; Rochlitz, Carp, 1957.

High jump
Class AA
: Kipper, Lar, 1970; McGarvin, Wor, 1951; Maher, GR, 1951; Gregory, HS, 1950; Howery, HS, 1948; Heron, Wor, 1944; West, Whe, 1941; Sinadin, Mid, 1938; Fleischle, CC, 1936; T. Chapin, Riv, 1935; Thompson, Mid, 1931; Markley, Pow, 1929; Riche, NC, 1928; Ingraham, The, 1926; Haith, PB, 1923.
Class A: Powers, Gre, 1970; Hatch, Kem, 1963; LeBar, Dou, 1960; Nelson, Gil, 1957; Lawrence, Whe, 1956; Morey, Riv, 1956; Royer, Pow, 1956; Vines, Gil, 1954.
Class B: Cochrane, UP, 1963; Stoddard, MV, 1963; Dalton, Cowl, 1960; Raymond, Mort, 1958; Gregory, HS, 1951.
Class C: Dooley, Brl, 1970; McPherren, TS, 1963; Herring, Enc, 1960; Palmer, Bur, 1959; Whited, Carp, 1957.

Long jump
Class AA
: Fermelia, RS, 1948; Jew, RS, 1945; H. Braden, GR, 1941; Fleischlie, CC, 1936; Freeley, Cod, 1933; J. Debernardi, RS, 1931.
Class A: Jay, Tor, 1970; Benson, Gil, 1969; Thurmond, Dou, 1957; Lawrence, Whe, 1956.
Class B: Brown, Alb, 1965; Wirth, Byr, 1963; Brisch, Han, 1958; Stephenson, Lin, 1951.
Class C: Swarm, LaG, 1965; Brown, Alb, 1963.

Pole vault
Class AA
: Haug, GR, 1951; Walker, GR, 1945; McKethan, The, 1944; Garrett, CC, 1935; Broderick, Mid, 1929; Cover, The, 1923/1924; Walters, Dou, 1922.
Class A: Schulyer, Gre, 1960; Brow, Dou, 1960.
Class B: Sussex, LaG, 1970; Gurney, BP, 1965; Mollenbrink, Sun, 1959; Brown, DF, 1958; Trenholm, Gld, 1958; Johnson, Bas, 1958; Partridge, Cowl, 1954; Robbins, Sunr, 1951.
Class C: Garrison, Gld, 1962.

Shot put
Class AA
: Terwilliger, GR, 1950; Taggart, Cod, 1945; Bozanic, Lan, 1944; Stevens, Eva, 1941; Perkovich, RS, 1937; Thobro, RS, 1936; Jurich, Reli, 1935; Morgan, CC, 1934; Davidson, CC, 1932/1933; King, Cod, 1930; Major, Cod, 1928; Whelan, CC, 1925; Beall, Bas, 1922/1924.
Class A: Ricks, Jac, 1969; Schuyler, Gre, 1965; Vines, Gil, 1954.
Class B: McIntosh, Pin, 1957; Lookingbill, Mort, 1955; McColley, PB, 1953; Cozier, Pin, 1951.
Class C: Barkell, Egb, 1957.

Class AA
: Begovich, RS, 1940; Loffing, Tor, 1938; Perkovich, RS, 1936/1937; Powell, The, 1933; Erickson, CC, 1932; Walters, Cod, 1931; Major, Cod, 1928; Erickson, CC, 1927; Cover, The, 1926/1924.

Class AA
: C. Saunders, Gil, 1972.

Class B
: C. Curtis, Bas, 1971.

Class B
: C. Curtis, Bas, 1971.

Class AA
: K. Madrid, Lar, 1971.
Class B: M. Fuller, Chu, 1971.

Class B
: S. Brunson, Sun, 1971.

50 hurdles
Class AA: S. Scutt, KW, 1971.
Class B: F. Williams, Bas, 1971.

High jump
Class AA
: L. Schuller, Wor, 1971.

Long jump
Class B
: F. Williams, Bas, 1971.

Shot put
Class B
: C. Standefer, TS, 1971.

Softball throw
Class B
: F. Williams, Bas, 1971.


In addition, winners are missing for these years, classes and/or events:

All classes, all events: 1972, 1968, 1967, 1966
1971 Class B
: triple jump.
1969 Class B: two mile, discus, long jump, shot put, triple jump.
1969 Class C: discus, long jump, triple jump.
1965 Class A: discus, high jump, long jump, pole vault.
1965 Class B: discus, high jump.
1965 Class C: high jump, pole vault, shot put.
1964 Class C: long jump.
1962 Class AA: discus, high jump, pole vault, shot put.
1962 Class A: discus, long jump, shot put.
1962 Class C: discus, long jump, shot put.
1961 Class A: 120 high hurdles, high jump, long jump, pole vault.
1961 Class B: 120 high hurdles, 880 relay, discus, high jump, pole vault.
1961 Class C: 100, 220, 440, mile, 180 low hurdles, 880 relay, mile relay, discus, long jump, pole vault, shot put.
1960 Class A: long jump.
1960 Class B: discus, long jump, shot put.
1960 Class C: discus, long jump, shot put.
1959 Class A: 100, 220, 440, high hurdles, low hurdles, 880 relay, discus, long jump, pole vault, shot put.
1959 Class B: 440, high hurdles, high jump, long jump, shot put.
1959 Class C: 100, 220, 440, high hurdles, low hurdles, 880 relay, mile relay, long jump.
1958 Class C: 880, low hurdles, discus, long jump, pole vault.
1956 Class B: 440, 880, discus, high jump, pole vault, shot put.
1955 Class A: 100, 440, mile, high hurdles, low hurdles, high jump.
1955 Class B: 100, 220, mile, high hurdles, low hurdles, 440 relay, discus, high jump, pole vault.
1954 Class A: discus, pole vault.
1954 Class B: long jump, shot put.
1953 Class A: 100, 220, 440, 880, mile, high hurdles, low hurdles, 880 relay, high jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put.
1953 Class B: 220, 440, 880, mile, discus, high jump, long jump.
1952 Class A: high jump, pole vault.
1952 Class B: 100, 220, 440, high hurdles, low hurdles, 880 relay, discus, high jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put.
1951 Class B: 880 relay.
1934 all-class: 50, 440, 880, mile, 120 high hurdles, 200 low hurdles, discus, high jump, javelin, long jump, pole vault.

Again, if you can help, post a comment here or email me at


I’ve been doing a lot of research on state track meets this summer. With that, I’ve revamped and updated the listing of Wyoming’s state track and field champions to reflect winners back to 1922.

Wyoming’s track and field champions are listed here. Previously, I listed girls champions back to 1973 and boys champions to 1974, the extent to which the Wyoming High School Activities Association archives exist. Now, girls listings go back to 1970, the year of the first girls state track meet, and boys listings to 1922, the year of the first boys state track meet.

I used online archives available through the Casper Star-Tribune to access old records. However, not all years or events are available in the Star-Tribune’s online archive. Here’s what I am missing:

All results needed: 1972 (boys only), 1968, 1967, 1966.

Years where winners for at least one event are needed: 1971 (Class C), 1969 (Class B and C), 1965 (Class A, B and C), 1964 (Class C), 1962 (Class AA, A and C), 1961 (Class A, B and C), 1960 (Class A, B and C), 1959 (Class A, B and C), 1958 (Class C), 1956 (Class B), 1955 (Class A and B), 1954 (Class A and B), 1953 (Class A and B), 1952 (Class A and B), 1951 (Class B), 1934 (one class), 1925 (one class).

As you can see, this is a work in progress. But that’s OK! If you can provide any help filling in holes in the listings I have posted here, email me at Here are the listings.

I am also in search of first names for some of the new champion listings. I will put up a separate post detailing those needs in the next week or two.


I’ve subscribed to an online database that has granted me access to some more newspaper archives, particularly for papers outside of Wyoming. With that access, I knocked 22 games off the missing games list and found incomplete, but helpful, info for one more:

Found the score for Hulett’s 16-8 loss to the Spearfish, S.D., JV on Oct. 17, 1981, in Spearfish.

Found the location for the Sept. 13, 1957, game between Vale, S.D., and Hulett; it was in Vale.

Found the score for Cowley’s 38-26 loss to Belfry, Mont., on Sept. 17, 1954, in Cowley.

Found the location for the Sept. 15, 1951, game between Byron and Colstrip, Mont.; it was in Colstrip. Noting this game’s location increased Byron’s road winning streak over this time to 19 games, which moved it into a tie for fourth all-time.

Found the score for the Nov. 4, 1949, game between Deaver-Frannie and Meeteetse; Deaver won 45-6. This increased Meeteetse’s losing streak to 22 games over the time period from 1947-51.

Found the date for Torrington’s 13-0 loss to Mitchell, Neb., on Oct. 11, 1946. Kept it on the missing games list because I still don’t have the location for the game yet.

Found the date for the Sept. 14, 1945, game between Powell and Laurel, Mont.

Found the date and location and fixed the score for Byron’s 58-8 victory against the Lovell third team on Oct. 5, 1945, in Byron.

Added the score for Star Valley’s 8-7 victory against Malad, Idaho, on Oct. 10, 1941.

Found the score for the Oct. 17, 1941, game between Sundance and Sturgis St. Martin’s, S.D.; St. Martin’s won 53-0. Also noted that the Oct. 31, 1941, game between the same two teams was canceled.

Found the score for the Oct. 24, 1940, game between Sundance and Sturgis, S.D.; Sturgis won 20-6.

Affirmed the score for Newcastle’s 20-14 loss to Edgemont, S.D., on Oct. 28, 1938.

Found two scores for Sunrise’s 1934 season: a 33-0 loss to Scottsbluff, Neb., on Sept. 21 and a 55-0 loss to Mitchell, Neb., on Oct. 5.

Added the score for Torrington’s 14-0 loss to Gering, Neb., on Nov. 2, 1934.

Found the location for Sunrise’s 20-0 victory against Mitchell, Neb., on Oct. 6, 1933; it was in Sunrise.

Found the location and date for Torrington’s 41-6 loss to Scottsbluff, Neb., on Oct. 21, 1932, in Scottsbluff.

Found the location for Lovell’s 6-6 tie with Cowley on Nov. 21, 1930; it was in Lovell.

Noted that the Oct. 25, 1929, game between Worland and Midwest was canceled.

Added the score for the 0-0 tie between Greybull and Basin on Nov. 24, 1927.

Found the score for the Nov. 24, 1927, game between Cowley and Lovell; Lovell won 41-6.

Added the number of points scored by Park City, Utah, in its 40-0 victory against Evanston on Sept. 22, 1923.

All the updates have been made on all the relevant pages.


Using these archives, I’ve also added Green River as the 1942 state champion and Thermopolis as the 1923 champ. I’m planning on doing some more with some track archives pre-1973 soon; keep an eye on the track champion listings for occasional updates there.


Just a quick update to note a change in the 2002 4A all-state listings, which unintentionally omitted Torrington’s Kyle Cotton from the list. Kyle’s name has been added.

As always, if you see any errors or omissions on the site, let me know: I definitely want to get this right. 🙂


By comparing missing first names of coaches on the Coaches Project to names available on the season recaps at, I updated the following first names:

Big Piney 1939: R.W. Duggan
Big Piney 1943: Harry Magee (also updated to correct spelling for Reliance 1945)
Glenrock 1933: Vaden Rock
Guernsey 1934 (and 1930): Ray Frink
Lyman 1941: Lawrence Slater
Manville 1932: Jess Ekdall (also updated to correct spelling for Lusk 1933 and 1934)
Manville 1941: Thurman Chase


A few quick site updates thanks to some expanded yearbook offerings online:

Rawlins’ 1935 season saw three updates:

  • I added the location of the Oct. 19 game with Superior; it was in Superior.
  • I added the score of Rock Springs’ 34-6 victory against Rawlins on Oct. 26; I had Rock Springs winning the game but didn’t previously have the score.
  • I removed a game scheduled with Hanna on Oct. 15; that game was played later in the season.

So, too, did Farson’s 1955 season, plus a bonus:

  • I added Farson’s 18-12 victory against the Reliance JV on Oct. 11 (added to the missing games list because I couldn’t find a location.
  • I added Farson’s 26-0 loss to Big Piney on Oct. 19 in Farson.
  • I noted that Farson’s game on Sept. 23 against Cokeville was canceled.
  • I also added Farson’s coach for 1955; it was Arnold Bowman.

Farson’s 1954 season — of which I had no previous knowledge — also got a couple updates, because it actually existed. It was only two games long, and just like in 1955, the coach was Arnold Bowman.:

  • I added Farson’s 54-19 loss to Big Piney on Oct. 1 in Big Piney.
  • I also added a 32-12 loss to Baggs (Snake River) in Farson; however, I added it to the missing games list because I couldn’t find the date.

Farson also had a football team in 1952. Keith Sorensen was the coach; however, there’s no list of games played or write-up in the yearbook, so for now that season will have to stay off the site.

Some other updates:

Added Superior’s 14-0 victory against Rawlins on Oct 12, 1932.

Added the result for Rawlins’ 25-6 victory against Hanna on Oct. 27, 1936.

Added Rock Springs’ 31-13 victory against Rawlins on Nov. 6, 1925.

Added the fact that Sundance beat Hulett in their game on Sept. 28, 1956, in Sundance. I had to leave it on the missing games list, though, because I couldn’t find the final score.

Noted that the Oct. 14, 1949, game between Saratoga and Kremmling, Colo., was not played.

A net five games were added to the site. All the updates have been made on all the relevant pages.


Quick update to the site: I fixed Kemmerer’s game with Moffat County, Colo., on Sept. 18, 1993. Kemmerer lost that game 16-6; I had Kemmerer winning by that score. Thanks to coach John Scott for helping me out on that one! The Rangers won the state title that year with Scott leading the way.


Thanks to the continuing work of “Stat Rat” Jim Craig, I have updated names and spellings for members of the 1946 and 1947 all-state football teams, mostly members of the third team or the honorable mention team who didn’t have first names available.

Although the Casper Tribune-Herald’s team is listed on the all-state listings for both years, Mr. Craig also sent the all-state teams as chosen by two other newspapers, the Wyoming State Tribune in Cheyenne and the Sheridan Press, for both years. Here they are, for posterity… and comparison.

As chosen by the staff of the Casper Tribune-Herald
First team
CHEYENNE CENTRAL: George Kingham, sr, C.
CODY: Bill Martin, sr, HB.
LARAMIE: Bill McCalla, sr, LG.
LOVELL: Lowell Earl, sr, HB.
NATRONA: Tom Scott, sr, LE; Stanley Cadwell, sr, RG; Deroy Smith, sr, RT; Clark Stroud, jr, FB.
RAWLINS: Charles Cooper, sr, LT; Bill McKay, sr, QB.
RIVERTON: Burr Reding, sr, RE.
Second team
CODY: Dick Null, sr, RT.
KEMMERER: Stanley ‘Chubby’ Legarra, sr, HB.
LANDER: George Bozanic, jr, QB.
LARAMIE: Jack Logan, jr, HB.
NATRONA: Art Pierce, jr, LE; Bob Rhodes, sr, C; George Payton, jr, RG.
RAWLINS: Frank Sannes, sr, RE; Gerald Jordan, sr, FB.
RIVERTON: Bill Franklin, sr, LT.
ROCK SPRINGS: Tony Gosar, sr, LG.
Honorable mention
CHEYENNE CENTRAL: Dick Haag, E; John Whitesides, T; Andy Bunten, QB; Bob Buckles, HB.
CODY: Myron Burt, C; Kenny Miller, QB; Bill Sharp, HB.
DOUGLAS: Harry Dunham, T; Jack McKelvey, G; Earl Shatto, HB.
EVANSTON: Paul Taggart, G; Morris Samuelson, FB.
GREEN RIVER: Byron Toone, QB.
KEMMERER: Jim Joslin, T.
LARAMIE: Russ Eads, E; Jim Wood, T.
LOVELL: Dick Doerr, E; Bob Averett, E; Bob Moncur, C; Bill Whelan, HB.
LUSK: Ken Butler, T.
MIDWEST: Ivan Million, T; Vic Nottingham, QB; Keith Bieg, HB; Carl Wilson, FB.
NATRONA: Mike Bouzis, T; John Kapeles, FB.
NEWCASTLE: Lloyd Avery, G; Carl Wake, HB.
POWELL: Donald Bender, HB.
RAWLINS: Bob Lavato, G; Jack Cramer, G; Nick Eliopulous, C; Ray Roberts, HB.
RIVERTON: Lawrence Valdez, G; Bob Stouffer, C; Harry Fabrizius, QB; Leonard Blumenshine, HB.
ROCK SPRINGS: Dave Hawks, E; Ed Fermelia, E; Frank Goglio, C; Stanley Jereb, HB; Bill Mau, FB.
SHERIDAN: Floyd Businga, G; George Zowada, C; Don Hamstreet, HB; Gerry Carroll, FB.
THERMOPOLIS: Eddie Haratyk, E.
TORRINGTON: Tom Cassidy, T; Don Spence, QB.
WORLAND: Harry Ujifusa, G; Wayne Hilgendorf, QB.
Player of the year: Lowell Earl, Lovell.
Wyoming State Tribune  All-State Prep Grid Team   11/21/47 (poll of 15 coaches)
First team
CHEYENNE: George Kingham, C; Dick Haag, RE; Bob Buckles, HB.
KEMMERER: Stanley Legarra, HB.
LOVELL: Lowell Earl, UTL B.
CASPER NATRONA: Tom Scott, LE; Deroy Smith, RT; Clark Stroud, FB.
RAWLINS: Charles Cooper, LT; Jack Cramer, RG; Bill McKay, QB.

Second team
CHEYENNE: Andy Bunten, QB.
CODY: Dick Null, RT; Bill Martin, HB.
EVANSTON: Neil Fearn, C; Morris Samuelson, UTL B.
GREEN RIVER: Dick Paxton, FB
KEMMERER: Jim Joslin, LT.
LARAMIE: Bill McCalla, RG.
LOVELL: Dick Doerr, RE.
NEWCASTLE: Lloyd Avery, LG.
RAWLINS: Frank Sannes, LE; Ray Roberts, HB.

Honorable mention
CHEYENNE: Glen Oslund, E; Carol Clark, G.
EVANSTON: Mark Phipps, E; Paul Taggart, G.
GILLETTE: Jay Stopher, E.
GREEN RIVER: James Valencia, G.
KEMMERER: Bryan Archer, T.
LANDER: George Bozanic, B.
LARAMIE: Jack Logan, B.
LOVELL: Bob Averett, E.
MIDWEST: Keith Bieg, B; Ivan Million, T.
CASPER NATRONA: Stanley Cadwell, G; Bob Rhodes, C.
NEWCASTLE: Carl Wake, B.
RAWLINS: Gerald Jordan, B; Bob Lavato, G.
RIVERTON: Leonard Blumenshine, B; Burr Reding, E; Bill Franklin, T.
ROCK SPRINGS: Bill Mau, B; Ed Fermelia, E; Frank Goglio, C.
SHERIDAN: George Zowada, C.

Sheridan Press All-Star Elevens   11/22/47
First team
CODY: Bill Henry, B.
CHEYENNE: Dick Haag, E.
KEMMERER: Stanley Legarra, B.
LARAMIE: Jim Wood, T; Bill McCalla, G.
LOVELL: Dick Doerr, E; Lowell Earl, B.
CASPER NATRONA: Bob Rhodes, C; Deroy Smith, T; Clark Stroud, B.
NEWCASTLE: Carl Wake, B.
RAWLINS: Jack Kramer, G; Ray Roberts, B.

Second team
CHEYENNE: George Kingham, C; Bob Buckles, B.
EVANSTON: Morris Samuelson, B.
LARAMIE: Dewey McConnell, E; Jack Logan B.
MIDWEST: Keith Bieg, B.
NEWCASTLE: Lloyd Avery G.
RAWLINS: Charles Cooper, T; Bill McKay, B.
RIVERTON: Burr Reding, E.
SHERIDAN: Floyd Businga, G.
THERMOPOLIS: Marko Jukanovich, T.

Honorable mention
BUFFALO: Bill Campbell, T.
CODY: Bill Sharp, B; Bill Martin, B; Peter Simpson, E; Dick Null, T.
CHEYENNE: Verl Nash, B; Andy Bunten, B; Glen Oslund, E; Jack Beahm, T.
EVANSTON: Mark Phipps, E; Paul Taggart G.
GILLETTE: Rich Davis, B; Jay Stopher, E; John Hubbard, G.
GREEN RIVER: Byron Toone B; Merrell Phelps T; Dick Paxton T; James Valencia G.
KEMMERER: John Millich, E; Jim Joslin, T; Bryan Archer, T & G; Jerry Floyd, C.
LANDER: George Bozanic, B.
LARAMIE: Pat Cowper, B; Russ Eads, E; Doug Bird, G.
LOVELL: Bill Whelan, B; Grant Goodrich, T; Jerry Horsley, G; Don Moncur, C.
MIDWEST: Carl Wilson, B; Dave Adams, E; Ivan Million T.
CASPER NATRONA: Dick Sedar, B; Art Pierce, E; Mike Bouzis, T; Stanley Cadwell, G; George Peyton, G.
NEWCASTLE: Bobby Carmine, C.
RAWLINS: Gerald Jordan, B; Frank Sannes, E; Bob Lavato, G; Nick Eliopulous, C.
RIVERTON: Leonard  Blumenshine, B; Bob Stouffer, C.
ROCK SPRINGS: Bill Mau, B; Dave Hawks, E; Tony Gosar, G; Frank Goglio, C.
SHERIDAN: Gerry Carroll, B; Don Hamstreet, B; Mike Zowada, B. Neal Carroll, E; Bill Lucas, T; Freddie Richardson G; George Zowada, C.
STAR VALLEY: Kirk Luthi, G.
SUNDANCE: Jimmy Wham, G.
THERMOPOLIS: Ken Bolich, B; Eddie Haratyk, E; Rex Patterson, T.
UPTON: Jerry Pridgeon, B.
WORLAND: Wayne Hilgendorf, B; Garrett Eckerdt, G.

Casper Tribune-Herald
First team

CHEYENNE CENTRAL: Marvin Strauch, sr, LT; Bob Buckles, jr, QB.
CODY: Bill Martin, jr, HB.
EVANSTON: Ronnie Stevens, sr, RE.
GILLETTE: Richard Clark, sr, C.
LARAMIE: Bob Quisenberry, sr, HB.
NATRONA: Bob Davis, sr, RG; Deroy Smith, jr, RT.
SHERIDAN: Joe Zowada, sr, LE; Carl McManis, sr, LG; Ray Hobbs, sr, FB, POY
Second team
CHEYENNE CENTRAL: John Genova, sr, LE.
CODY: Jack Johnston, sr, RE.
DOUGLAS: Bob Weatherwax, sr, RG.
LARAMIE: Bob Pender, sr, QB.
LOVELL: Lowell Earl, sr, RT.
MIDWEST: Jack Hahn, sr, HB.
NATRONA: Clark Stroud, soph, HB.
POWELL: Dick Holmes, sr, FB.
RAWLINS: Hawley Pixler, sr, LT; Bill Laramore, sr, C.
SHERIDAN: Ed Zowada, sr, LG.
Honorable mention
BUFFALO: Dale Wilson, T.
CHEYENNE CENTRAL: Jack Froistad, E; Dick Wilson, T; Bill Foy, G; George Kingham, C; Vernon Gale, FB.
CODY: Kenneth Lindsey, E; Don Anderson, T; Rob Ranck, QB.
DOUGLAS: Don Jacobs, T; Warren Goodrich, HB; Russell Vetter, HB.
EVANSTON: Morris Samuelson, QB; Don Stevens, HB; Elvin Nielson, HB.
GREEN RIVER: Jack Desmond, HB; Don Coffey, HB.
GREYBULL: Ed Rech, T; John Rowland, HB; Bob Tolman, FB.
KEMMERER: Johnny Millich, E; Phil Flanagan, C; Leonard Georges, QB; Stanley Legarra, HB.
LANDER: Gene Hallock, FB.
LARAMIE: Ray Eads, E; Wendell Cosner, C.
LOVELL: Ed Horsley, QB.
MIDWEST: Ivan Million, T; Everett Chaffin, G; Richard Moore, HB; Keith Bieg, FB.
NATRONA: Joe Robb, G; Ted Scott, C.
RAWLINS: Charles Cooper, T; Alfred Lopez, G; Bill McKay, QB; Raymond Roberts, HB.
RIVERTON: Burr Redding, E; J. C. Sollars, G; Pierre Geraud, QB; Leonard Blumenshine, FB.
ROCK SPRINGS: Ray Confer, E; Urban Mrak, G; Carl Sandstrom, G; Joe Angelovic, QB; Fred Behring, HB.
SHERIDAN: Bob Hendrickson, C; Dick Switzer, QB; Amos Littler, HB.
STAR VALLEY: Dean Van Noy, E; Don Baldwin, HB.
SUNDANCE: Jimmy Wham, G.
TORRINGTON: Franklin Redfield, E; George Eaton, E; Lyle Baysinger, G.
WHEATLAND: Larry Mylett, T; George Irwin, C.

Wyoming State Tribune’s All-State football team 11/19/46 (poll of sportswriters, coaches and other observers)
First Team

Cheyenne: Marvin Strauch, T; John Genova, E; Bob Buckles, HB; Vernon Gale, UTL.
Cody: Bill Martin, HB.
Gillette: Richard Clark, C.
Casper Natrona: Delroy Smith, T.
Rawlins: Alfred Lopez, G.
St. Mary’s: Bob Wallace, QB.
Sheridan: Joe Zowada, E; Carl McManis, G; Ray Hobbs, FB.
Second Team
Cody: Virgil Johnson, E.
Cheyenne: Dick Wilson, T.
Evanston: Ronnie Stevens, E; Samuelson, HB.
Laramie: Bob Pender, QB.
Midwest: Jack Hahn, HB.
Casper Natrona: Bob Davis, G.
Powell: Dick Holmes, FB.
Rawlins: Bill Laramore, C; Hawley Pixler, T; Bill McKay, UTL.
Sheridan: Ed Zowada, T.

Sheridan Press All-State football team 11/15/46
First Team

Cheyenne: Marvin Strauch, T; Bob Buckles HB.
Cody: Virgil Johnson, E; Bill Martin HB.
Gillette: Richard Clark, C.
Laramie: Jack Bath, G; Bob Pender, QB.
Casper Natrona: Delroy Smith, T.
Sheridan: Carl McManis, G; Joe Zowada, E; Roy Hobbs, FB.
Second Team
Cheyenne: Vernon Gale, HB.
Cody: Don Anderson, T.
Evanston: Ronnie Stevens, E.
Kemmerer: George Daneluk, E.
Laramie: Bob Quisenberry, QB.
Casper Natrona: Clark Stroud, FB.
Rawlins: Jack Cramer, G; Bill Laramore C; Raymond Roberts, QB.
Sheridan: Ed Zowada, G; Vince Lenertz, T.
Honorable Mention
Buffalo: Dale Wilson, T; John Taffner, T; Tom Hubbard, B.
Cheyenne: George Kingham, C; Bill Taylor, G; Jim Adsit, T; John Genova, E.
Cody: Ken Lindsey, E.
Evanston: Eugene Martin, G.
Greybull: Bill Reilly, E; Bob Tolman B.
Kemmerer: Phil Flanagan, C; Leonard Georges, B; Stanley Legarra, B.
Lander: Bob Bosnic, B.
Laramie: Wendell Cosner, C; Billy McCalla, G; Ray Eads, E; Bill Gordon B.
Lovell: Lowell Earl, B.
Midwest: Everett Chaffin, G; Jack Hahn, B.
Casper Natrona: George Mackey, C; Bob Davis, G; Mike Bouzis, T; John Kapeles, B.
Newcastle: Lloyd Avery, G; Carl Wake B.
Rawlins: Alfred Lopez, G; Hawley Pixler, T; Leonard Hurst, E; Jack Williams, B.
Rock Springs: Urban Mrak, T; Fred Behring, B.
Sheridan: Bob Hendrickson, C; Frank Mediate, T; Phil Shellinger E; Amos Littler, B; Phil Oatts B.
Star Valley: ValDee Erickson, G; Doran Wilkes, B.


Some new info has been added to the site, although some of it raises more questions than it answers:

Added four games to Shoshoni’s 1952 season, all with some missing information and added to the missing games list: Shoshoni’s 12-7 victory against the Thermopolis JV between Sept. 16 and Sept. 20 (location unknown); Shoshoni’s 53-0 victory against Morton between Sept. 30 and Oct. 4 (location unknown); Shoshoni’s 13-13 tie with the Lander JV between Oct. 8 and Oct. 18 (location unknown); and Shoshoni’s 39-0 victory against Morton between Oct. 30 and Nov. 8 in Shoshoni.

Added two games to Star Valley’s 1935 season: a 14-6 loss to Montpelier, Idaho, at Montpelier and an 18-6 victory against Paris, Idaho, at Paris. (Added to the missing games list because dates couldn’t be ascertained beyond the beginning of the season.)

Added two missing games to Cowley’s 1954 season: a game at home against Belfry, Mont., on Sept. 17 and a game at Burlington on Oct. 15. (Added to the missing games list.)

Noted that the Nov. 10, 1950, scheduled game between Star Valley and Jackson was not played.

Noted that the Sept. 8, 1995, game between Ten Sleep and Midwest went into overtime.

Added Deaver-Frannie’s coach for 1953 and 1954; it was Al Ketcham. Also fixed the spelling of Ketcham’s name for the 1952 and 1955 seasons.

Added the first name and fixed the spelling of the last name for Midwest’s coach in 1943; it was Herbert Hilgenfeld. 

Also, thanks to “Stat Rat” Jim Craig, I added the first names for the 1944 all-state team. Thanks, sir!
