Welcome to Wyoming-Football.com

The focus here is high school football in Wyoming — an archive of past game results and records, standings, individual accolades and more.

For the latest on what I’m finding, visit The HQ, this site’s blog.

About this site

This site was created and is maintained by Patrick Schmiedt, a former sports reporter at the Casper Star-Tribune. If you republish the information posted here in any way, either directly or indirectly, please attribute wyoming-football.com as your source. I go out of my way to attribute my sources on this site and I appreciate the professional courtesy of the same in return. If you plan to use information from this site as part of an item (such as a book or program) you plan to sell, please ask for permission, as content on wyoming-football.com is protected by applicable copyright laws.

If this is your first visit to wyoming-football.com, please visit the introduction page to see how to use the site.

This website has archived 26,613 Wyoming high school football games to date.


Wyoming-football.com has an open, public album on Flickr. All you have to do is sign up for Flickr (a Yahoo account works), then join the Wyoming football Flickr group. Upload your Wyoming high school photos, add them to the group and let everyone enjoy!

Want your image added to the rotation of images that show up at the top of pages on this website? Upload the photo to the Flickr group, and then email me at pschmiedt@yahoo.com with your written permission to use the image here. I respect copyright, and I won’t use any photos uploaded to the group on this website without written permission of the creator of the image.

Other projects: Wyoming basketball and Champlists

Sister site Wyoming-basketball.com lists the scores of every Wyoming high school boys and girls state basketball tournament game and is in progress of obtaining annual season records and coaches for every program in the state. Boys tournament listings date back to 1918 and season-by-season records date to 1932; girls listings date to the first modern state tournament in 1976.

I also run Champlists.com, which lists team and individual champions for all other WHSAA-sanctioned sports, including track and field, wrestling, volleyball, soccer and more. Records vary by sport but go back as far as 1922.

The fine print: Research compiled and copyright 2004-2024 by Patrick Schmiedt. All rights reserved. This web site is not affiliated with the Wyoming High School Activities Association, the Associated Press, any specific press organization or any Wyoming high school. All records are unofficial.